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Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education

Impact Reports | Plan Details

Plan Goals

Strengthen New Mexico’s families by providing evidence-based parenting education to increase parent-child connectedness, positive discipline practices, and healthy family functioning. (Joint plan with Esther Devall, Lisa Shields & Charolette Collins)

Related Plans
Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Cibola County)
Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Doña Ana County)
Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Valencia County)

Impact Reports

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Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Cibola County)
Impact Report

Strengthen New Mexico’s families by providing evidence-based parenting education to increase parent-child connectedness, positive discipline practices, and healthy family functioning.
Curriculium areas are Ages and Stages, Domestic Violence Awarness, Stress Management, Anger Management, Finacial Education, Life Skills, Nutrition Education, Food Safety.

In 2011 the Home Economist is conducting the featured parenting classes each Monday at 10:30 a.m. with court referred participants as well as interested parents. These classes are held at the Cibola County Extension Service Office a total of 10 participants graduated this year with 85% knowledge based improvement as stated by the participants documented by program evaluation completed by the participants. In addition a new program class has added an important component with new classes at the Corrections Corporation of America Women’s Prison. Classes are held each Monday at 1:00 p.m. for a 2 hour class. Currently weekly enrollment has been 25 incarcerated women. Total graduates were 25 with 100% participation and knowledge based evaluations. Classes and parenting incarceration curriculum will continue. Population includes 30% White Cacasian, 50% Hispanic,10% Black American, 10% Native American.
The class was implemented from the recommendations of the Cibola County Extension Advisory Committee. Progress towards community
(Progress towards the short-term objectives.)
Permalink - Posted November 1, 2011, 4:04 pm
(From Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Cibola County))
Emergency preparedness is no longer the sole concern of earthquake prone Californians and those who live in the part of the country known as "Tornado Alley." For Americans, preparedness must now account for man-made disasters as well as natural ones. Knowing what to do during an emergency is an important part of being prepared and may make all the difference when seconds count.

The Valencia County CES worked closely with the Belen Fire Chief to develop a program designed to educate individuals about the importance of preparing for an emergency. Over 500 individuals were impacted by the emergency preparedness kits which have been distributed to help educate and prepare families for the unknown.

Participants gain knowledge in emergencies that can and do affect New Mexico residents. They gain a greater understanding of the importance in preparing themselves and families for emergencies.

This year the Valencia County CES worked closely with the New Mexico Men’s Recovery Academy to help them develop an emergency plan for the large number of inmates housed in their facility. The inmates were also educated on the importance of emergency preparation and food safety.

(Progress towards the short-term objectives.)
Permalink - Posted October 31, 2011, 4:21 pm
(From Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Valencia County))
Parenthood is one of the most stressful and demanding of life roles, yet it is the role for which most adults receive the least preparation and support. Contemporary parents face many challenges, including poverty, isolation, fewer supports for families, and a declining sense of community. The consequences of not educating parents are tremendous. Poor parenting skills are linked to abuse and neglect as well as youth behavior problems including teen pregnancy, adolescence substance abuse, and youth violence.
The Cooperative Extension Service has been providing parenting education to Valencia County residents for the past eight years. Parenting education has been one of the top priorities identified by the Valencia County Support Council. This program year 75 parents graduated from the eight-week parenting education course provided by the Valencia County Cooperative Extension Service.
Currently the Valencia County CES is working closely with the Valencia County Gabriel project to help provide a supportive environment for all participants. Participants are not only equipped with the knowledge and education to help improve their quality of life, they are also blessed with items such as gas cards, diapers, and a warm dinner to share as a family while involved in the program. Parents are also encouraged to bring their children to participate in the children’s program provided by the Gabriel project.
The programs feature activities to foster positive parenting skills and self-nurturing, home practice exercises, and activities to promote positive brain development in children birth to 18 years. The topics covered during the eight-week course include:
• Stress Management
• Praising Children
• Building Self-Worth
• Building Personal Power
• Positive Discipline
• Emergency Preparedness
• Understanding Drug and Alcohol Use
• Developing Family Morals, Values, and Rules
• Understanding and Communicating Feelings
• Signs of Suicide in Adults and Youth

Eight-week Course Outcomes:
• Assess attitudes and knowledge of parenting practices.
• Assess social and developmental histories.
• Parents develop nurturing as a lifestyle.
• Parents and children relate in a positive, nurturing way.
• Parents learn to enjoy their children.
• Increase parents’ awareness of how we are taught not to express feelings.
• Increase parents’ ability to recognize feelings in self.
• Increase parents’ ability to recognize feelings of children.
• Parents develop empathy in regards to their children.
• Reinforce positive regard in children.
• Parents understand the meaning of self-concept and self-esteem.
• Parents realize their ability to impact a child’s overall self-worth.
• Parents will help children improve their self-concept and self-esteem.

(Progress towards the short-term objectives.)
Permalink - Posted October 31, 2011, 4:19 pm
(From Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Valencia County))
The agent also offered a parenting training "Building Self-Worth" to 7 NMSU head start parents.
(Progress towards the short-term objectives.)
Permalink - Posted October 27, 2011, 4:18 pm
(From Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Doña Ana County))
The agent offered the 8 parenting programs "Understanding Feelings" to 150 participants. Programs were offered in English and Spanish to Families & Youth, Inc. Treatment Foster Care Parents, Parents at Anthony Middle School, Columbia Elementary, Organ Community Resource Center, TeamWorks and Community Action Agency.

The agency also offered a parenting program on "Communication" at Columbia Elementary to 6 participants.
(Progress towards the short-term objectives.)
Permalink - Posted November 2, 2010, 3:07 am
(From Strengthening Families Initiative, Parenting Education (Doña Ana County))
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