Note: This site is for reviewing legacy plan of work data from 2007-2011. If you are looking for the current plan of work interface, visit
Adult Volunteer Leader Development
Plan Goals
This plan deals with volunteer leader trainings, organizational leaders, project training for leaders, recruitment efforts, Leaders' Forum; anything related to ADULT volunteers.
Impact Reports
Following the steps and worksheets provided by 4-H/’Everyone Ready’, volunteer activity improved in the indoor exhibit building during the fair week. Regular volunteers are dependable, but overworked. More help was needed. Extension and two other volunteers met to build a recruitment strategy. Worksheets were completed to determine needs, job descriptions, sources and methods for recruitment. New Recruitments included Youth Council members from the high school who decorated all of the showcases. 4-H and FFA youth helped the last day of fair during entry returns and show case cleanup. Adult leaders were recruited from local fiber arts groups for displaying entries after judging and tallying up entry scores. By using ‘Everyone Ready’ we could present our needs in an organized way so that potential volunteers understood what type of help was needed. The result was less time commitment and less stress for all volunteers. Volunteers have reacted positively to the experience and most plan to help again next year.
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2011 North East District Shooting Sports Competition
Seven adult volunteers were trained and utilized as assistant range masters and timers. Training was provided on safety, range commands, and rules. Eighty percent of the volunteers reported having a better knowledge of the competition and range rules.
Seven adult volunteers were trained and utilized as assistant range masters and timers. Training was provided on safety, range commands, and rules. Eighty percent of the volunteers reported having a better knowledge of the competition and range rules.
2011 Egg to Chick Volunteers
Four volunteers were trained and utilized in conducting special interest programs to reach over 67 youth. Training was provided on embryology and incubation, using 4-H curricula and youth development.
Four volunteers were trained and utilized in conducting special interest programs to reach over 67 youth. Training was provided on embryology and incubation, using 4-H curricula and youth development.
2010-2011 Organizational Leaders Training
Because Colfax County had 3 of its’ 5 clubs changing adult leadership agent thought it would be important to have club leaders meeting/training. Three of the clubs also are utilizing a dual Organizational Leader system or a Leader/ Assistant leader. Agent organized and arranged to have the meeting at a local restaurant that was somewhat central for all attending. Agent developed a binder for each leader that had important forms, handbooks, calendars, club leader handbooks, and fun ideas for club meeting. At the meeting we discussed the 11 steps to 4-H club vibrancy that we had received at the 4-H Conversation. We also had the leaders do the personality test that we did at the 4-H Conversation, which was important because it helped them really think about their personality and how it might be contrasting with others and some of the things they can do to deal with the contrast in a healthy fashion. It was a great turnout all but one person that was invited was able to attend. The leader binders were greatly appreciated and the leaders thought that they would come in very handy for a long time. One result of this meeting/training has been that paperwork that is turned in to the agent following the club meetings has been much more timely.
Because Colfax County had 3 of its’ 5 clubs changing adult leadership agent thought it would be important to have club leaders meeting/training. Three of the clubs also are utilizing a dual Organizational Leader system or a Leader/ Assistant leader. Agent organized and arranged to have the meeting at a local restaurant that was somewhat central for all attending. Agent developed a binder for each leader that had important forms, handbooks, calendars, club leader handbooks, and fun ideas for club meeting. At the meeting we discussed the 11 steps to 4-H club vibrancy that we had received at the 4-H Conversation. We also had the leaders do the personality test that we did at the 4-H Conversation, which was important because it helped them really think about their personality and how it might be contrasting with others and some of the things they can do to deal with the contrast in a healthy fashion. It was a great turnout all but one person that was invited was able to attend. The leader binders were greatly appreciated and the leaders thought that they would come in very handy for a long time. One result of this meeting/training has been that paperwork that is turned in to the agent following the club meetings has been much more timely.