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Protect Food from Microbial Contamination through Food Safety Education (McKinley County)

Impact Reports | Plan Details

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Plan Goal

Provide food safety education and practices for the people of McKinly County (community and rural)and decrease the risk of food borne illnesses through food preparation and preservation methods.

Situation Statement

Most food-borne illness cases go unreported each year mainly, because individuals have little or no knowledge of the symptoms related to Salmonella, Escherichia coli and of the most important challenges are the new food pathogens. The individuals who are at risk from food-borne illness include pregnant women, unborn/newborn infants, toddlers and the elderly.
In McKinley County the risk of food-borne illness is higher than most cities due to poverty and the lack of utilities in remote areas. For example, McKinley County has the largest number of households with no indoor running water, or electricity supplied to their homes. Many of the people haul water from water outlets throughout the county that are transported in large tanks in the back of their personal trucks and their electricity is still supplied from kerosene lamps.

Target Audience and Actions

Adults, agency cooks, youth and people of diverse backgrounds who prepare food for their families or groups in McKinley County.

Short-Term Objectives

40% of participants of educational programs will increase their knowledge of food safety practices, proper cooling, and preventing cross contamination.

Medium-Term Objectives

40% of participants of educational programs will change their behavior related to food safety including keeping hands and surfaces clean, proper cooling, and preventing cross contamination.

Long-Term Objectives

20% of participants will have sustained use of adopted safe food handling practices after program completion.

Evaluation Plan

Pre and post evaluation will be provided at each training through food safety created surveys provided by extension agent.