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KA 703. Nutrition Education and Behavior (San Juan County)

Impact Reports | Plan Details

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Plan Goal

Kitchen Creations Diabetic School,ICAN and KidsCAN programs and other Nutrition programming will be held in many locations throughout the county in order to provided educaiton in nutrition, cooking, budgeting for food and more. Locations will consist of

Situation Statement

Lack of knowledge in the areas of nutrition, cooking skills and budgeting food dollars is known to lead to high rates of diabetes, obesity hypertension and many other health problems. Issues like these are becoming more and more frequent in children and are also known be higher in limited resource households. As obesity and diet related disease rates climb health care costs soar as well. In order to encourage good health related behaviors Kitchen Creations,ICAN and KidsCAN and other programs will provide classes focused on basic nutrition, low cost recipes, and food budgeting. We will know if we have made progress by observing and recording changes in awareness and behavior of children and families who participate in Kitchen Creations,ICAN and KidsCAN classes and other nutrition programs.

Target Audience and Actions

The target audience will include but on be limited to low income families, children and individuals who are seeking to increase their knowledge of nutrition, cooking skills and ideas for budgeting food dollars, diabetics, ect. Classes will be taught in locations all over San Juan County to provide convenience and increase the number of participants who graduate from the program. We will partner will public school districts, community and religious organizations, community and senior centers, assisted living facilities, and more.

Short-Term Objectives

Participants will increase knowledge in basic nutrition topics including MyPyramid, Dietary Guidelines, Nutrition Facts Labels, making healthy food choices, food preparation, meal planning, budgeting food dollars, ect.

Medium-Term Objectives

Participants will increase fruit and vegetable consumption, decrease fat and sugar intake and increase physical activity.

Long-Term Objectives

Participants will lower their risk of diabetes, obesity, and other health problems related to diet and exercise.

Evaluation Plan

Participants will complete pre/post surveys on knowledge and behavior.