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Southwest District CES Civil Rights Plan (Catron County)

Impact Reports | Plan Details

This county-level plan is managed by . Print this page to create a Plan of Work signature page.

Plan Goal

Civil Rights compliance by New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service is mandated by federal laws and is directly tied to Extension's receipt of federal funding.

Situation Statement

Catron County is an ethnically diverse population characterized by diversity in gender, nationality, age, social class, educational and geographic backgrounds. According to the 2004 health statistics report Catron county's population is 2% Native American, .1% Black, 18.5% Hispanic and 78.9% White

Target Audience and Actions

Catron County Extension Service programing is available to ALL the citizens of Catron County. Citizens are made aware of programs through public notification and all other reasonable efforts.

Short-Term Objectives

Make sure all employees are aware that programing and educational materials are available to all and is so noted on all correspondence notices and announcements.

Medium-Term Objectives

Make Catron county citizens aware of educational opportunities available to them through public notification (Fliers, Press releases, direct mailing and all other available sources) and provide any special assistance they made need to participate in educational programs or activities.

Long-Term Objectives

All Catron County citizens are made aware of educational opportunities available to them through the Catron County Cooperative Extension Service regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, age or handicap.

Evaluation Plan

The evaluation of the effectiveness of effort to reach all clientele will include assessments of the population served in comparison to the population of the county.