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Agronomic Crop and Improved Pasture System Development (Santa Fe County)

Impact Reports | Plan Details

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Plan Goal

Improve the sustainability and production potential of pastures in order through improved soil tilth, yield capability, forage quality as well as the economic and environmental benefits to the land users.

Situation Statement

Northern and central Santa Fe county's communities is comprised of many small scale agricultural operations. Many of these agricultural operations are still in existence because they are part of the custom and culture of New Mexico.

In many of thes small scale operations, the operator must strive for maximum efficiency in a sustainable manner. Even though the operator may not own any livestock, he/she feels the need to produce pasture to rent or to cut hay from in order to keep the land in production without taking a loss in profits and to be able to keep the water rights tied to the land.

In other cases, the operator may own some livestock and must manage the pasture in a sound sustainable manner for grazing purposes as well as haying.

Target Audience and Actions

Workshops and educational trainings will be conducted for small scale producers, particularly hispanic and native american in Santa Fe County who need to revitalize their pastures.

Based on individual requests, the Agent will work on an individual basis with producers of pasture to determine what sustainable practices need to be implemented in order for the producer to maximize pasture productivity.

Short-Term Objectives

1. At least 30 percent of the producers attending workshops and meetings on pasture improvement will gain an awareness of management alternatives to improve pasture production
2. At least 15 percent attending meetings will gain a knowledge of pasture grasses and forbs adaptable to Santa Fe County

3. Increase the awareness of best management practices of 20 producers through educational programs and demonstration plots by 20% .

Medium-Term Objectives

Improve the pasture management decision making skills of 20 crop producers through educational efforts and seminars.

Long-Term Objectives

Improve sustainability of pasture production operations by lowering production costs by 10%.

Evaluation Plan

Workshop and seminar evaluations will be conducted to track understanding of concepts presented.

Individual observation of changes in overall management practices pasture improvements