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Expanded 4-H & School Enrichment (Santa Fe County)

Impact Reports | Plan Details

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Plan Goal

This plan deals with Special Interest; School Enrichment; and Outreach Efforts.

Situation Statement

According to the 2000 Census in Santa Fe County, 17.9% of the population in 2000 was youth between the ages of 5-19. Santa Fe has a tri-cultural population that includes four Indian Pueblos. The socioeconomic status in Santa Fe County includes an extreme variance for youth and adults. Affordable housing is an extreme problem and a large percentage of youth life in single parent households. Many young people are involved in gangs, crime, and the high school dropout rate is high. Teen birth rate, and suicide are also prevalent in teens in Santa Fe County. According to the 2000 Census in Santa Fe County, 17.9% of the population in 2000 was youth between the ages of 5-19. To help prepare the youth in Santa Fe County to become productive citizens they need to develop life and leadership skills. In order for youth to become knowledgeable, productive citizens, youth need to develop skills. Four-H can assist youth to gain knowledge and skills in personal development, leadership and various project areas.

Many inner-city youth in Santa Fe County have not had the opportunity to become exposed to the 4-H program. A common misconception is that 4-H is only for kids that live on farms or ranches and that raise animals. Through the various tools of the 4-H School Enrichment, Special Interest, and Outreach programs, Extension agents can not only increase 4-H awareness, but also educate youth in a wide range of subject areas that include agriculture, environmental stewardship of the land, health and nutrition, and social issues and pressures.

Target Audience and Actions

According to the 2000 Census, the total population for Santa Fe County was 129,292. It is predicted that the total population for Santa Fe County will increase to142, 793 by the year 2005 and 157,792 by 2010. Trends identified in the 2000 Census, indicate the number of youth ages 5-19 to increase .8% per year. At this rate, there will be approximately 28,377 youth in Santa Fe County in 2010.
In the 2005-2006 membership year, 3,669 youth were reached through 4-H programming efforts. Of the 3,669, 40% were White, not of Hispanic origin, 1% were Black, 13% were American Indian or Alaskan Native, 40% were Hispanic, 1% were Asian or Pacific Islander, and 5% were of other racial groups.
Additionally, in the 2005-2006 membership year, 3,428 of the total 3,669 youth (approximately 93%) that participated in 4-H efforts were reached through Special Interest, School Enrichment, and Outreach Efforts.
By October/November of each year, schools and other youth development organizations will be contacted to review available curriculum.
4-H Agents will maintain continuous communication with other youth development organizations to keep them informed of new curriculum and collaborative opportunities with the 4-H program.

Short-Term Objectives

4-H Agents will mail two different underserved public and/or non-public schools each year, informing the principals and teachers of the school enrichment curricula 4-H offers; inviting them to consider incorporating these curricula into their classrooms.

4-H Agents will contact and meet with staff and volunteers of at least two other youth development agencies each year to explore potential collaborative programming efforts.

Medium-Term Objectives

4-H Agents will conduct school curriculum in at least two new classrooms each year.

4-H Agents will collaborate with at least one new youth development organization or community partner to enhance current programming efforts.

Long-Term Objectives

At least 30% of youth participating in Special Interest, School Enrichment, or Outreach Efforts will receive promotional information regarding organized 4-H community clubs.

There will be a 20% increase in knowledge and/or behavior of the youth participating in selected Special Interest, School Enrichment, and Outreach efforts.

Evaluation Plan

Evaluation will be based on the number of youth, adults, and organizations participating in Special Interest, School Enrichment, and Outreach efforts. Change in knowledge and behavior will be measured through pre and post tests and surveys conducted for selected programs.