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Profitable Livestock /Wildlife Production (Grant County)

Impact Reports | Plan Details

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Plan Goal

Improve the productivity and competitiveness of the Grant County range livestock/wildlife industry by applying research-based best practices through Extention education.

Situation Statement

Grant County Agriculture Producers face numerous challenges operating their businesses, from the USFS, environmentalists, marketing of their product, noxious plant problems, toxic plant management, and endangered and managed species. Grant county animal agriculture accounts for $10 million in sales annually. Livestock production in Grant County is only marginally profitable. Livestock producers and rural economies recognize the impact of livestock production on the county’s economy. In 2004, the livestock and livestock products accounted for 75 percent of all New Mexico farm and ranch receipts and totaled over 1.6 billion dollars. Beef cattle and calves are major farm and ranch livestock contributors to the economy of the county. Based on data generated from 52 cow-calf operations in New Mexico evaluated through the Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) program over the last 10 years, the average return on investment for cow-calf enterprises is only 1.8%. Other sectors of the beef industry have been only marginally profitable during this period as well. If the profitability of cattle production in Grant County does not improve, the long-term sustainability of ranching is jeopardized. State educational programming like Cattle Growers’ Short Courses, Southwest Beef Symposium, Standard Performance Analysis, Cattlemen’s’ College, Ranch to Rail and Beef Quality Assurance are avenues for the Cooperative Extension Service to better equip livestock producers with management and marketing knowledge. Additionally, the Grant County CES offers several workshops and programs each year relating to Livestock/Wildlife profitability. In order for producers to improve profitability they must increase revenue at a greater rate that costs increase or they must decrease costs while maintaining revenue. If extension related efforts are successful during this program of work, livestock producers will become more profitable. Income from wildlife (deer) to private landowners is undocumented and probably under marketed.

Target Audience and Actions

The target audience is composed of approximately 50 beef cattle operations in Grant County, government officials, and allied industry employees that service livestock producers. In order to service the educational needs of Grant County producers, county programs are planned and facilitated with direction of the Agriculture/Natural Resources committee of the Advisory Board. Land managers/hunters become better educated on management of deer to increase quality and increase price of hunts. In addition to approximately 60 beef cattle producers and 80 wildlife managers/hunters that attended extension programs, another approximately 120 made contact with the Grant County Extension Service, through office or field visits, telephone calls, or e-mails. Questions and contacts were logged and shared with extension specialists. These contacts are used to develop programming needs for upcoming years.

Short-Term Objectives

The major programming goals are to increase awareness of novel management practices and knowledge of current issues by 20% for 10% of Grant County livestock producers through educational programs and direct communications. Increase the number of producers using technology by 5% to evaluate production and financial aspects of cow-calf/wildlife enterprises through participation in workshops. Furthermore to continue the New Mexico Big Buck Tournament (NMBBT) showcases the quality deer of New Mexico and specifically Southwestern New Mexico along with acquiring age, weight, body condition and antler scores using the SCI scoring method.

Medium-Term Objectives

Improve decision-making skills of 40 livestock producers through educational programs and seminars such that they are more confident in livestock management. Grant County cow-calf/wildlife operations (3)or that manage 5,000 head cowherd numbers/10 permits for wildlife will improve profitability by following management recommendations made and 25 % of county producers will increase their willingness to accept management and procuction recommendations from NMSU Extension and Research.
Big Buck Tournament becomes avenue for Extension Wildlife Educational publications on managment, data generated from tournament with age and scores of antlers.

Long-Term Objectives

Improve profitability of cattle enterprises by lowering production costs and/or increasing gross revenue. Improve knowledge level of county ranchers regarding management livestock and wildlife through publications, demonstrations and trainings.
Lease prices will have increased by 20% over the live of the plan for participating private land hunts.

Evaluation Plan

Maintaining a communication log to document producer acknowledgement of improved management practices. Measure the increase in the number of producers using technology during this plan of work. Evaluate financial and production performance trends of cow-calf/wildlife operations participating for more than three years in extension programs. An exit survey for educational programs will be devised to capture producer perception of both the monetary value of information and improvement in decision-making skills.
Each hunter will fill out a questioneer with as they enter their buck. Questions will include price of hunt, monies they spent on gas, meals, etc. , rating of hunting experience.
Through program evaluations following new workshops, this agent has been able to provide clientele and businesses with the most desired types of programs. A website was developed with the assistance of agent’s nephew to help with the NMBBT.