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Impact Report

For plan KA 703. Nutrition Education and Behavior (San Juan County)
Date November 1, 2011, 3:59 pm
For Objective Short-term Show short-term objectives
Impact Report Kitchen Creations The agent successfully planned and implemented one Kitchen Creations class in October 2011. This class was a partnership between NMSU Cooperative Extension Service, San Juan Regional Medical Center Diabetes Education, and New Mexico Public Health. The class consisted of four weekly sessions. Each session was four hours long. In this time, participants were exposed to diabetes education such as factors that increase or decrease insulin levels, the 50/50 plate method of diet management, understanding food labels, the Diabetic Food Guide Pyramid, and more presented by a Certified Diabetes Educator from San Juan Regional Medical Center and to shopping tips, cooking skills and portion control ideas and diabetic recipes provided by the Kitchen Creations Grant and presented by the San Juan County Home Economist. This class resulted in 25 graduates. Reports from class participants indicate that the Kitchen Creations class format is conducive to learning and that the information presented is easy to understand and is being used by the participants at home. ICAN and KidsCAN In 2011 the agent facilitated various ICAN and KidsCAN programs in San Juan County. These programs presented nutrition and cooking information to more than 3,400 residents of San Juan County. The KidsCAN program worked with nine public schools and day care facilities in three school districts to provided nutrition and cooking education to youth in San Juan County. The ICAN program worked with ten agencies in San Juan County to provide nutrition, cooking and food budgeting information to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligible adults and seniors in San Juan County. The 2010 ICAN and KidsCAN programs resulted in more than 800 youth and adult graduates for San Juan County. Education was provided through posters, brochures, demonstrations, and weekly classes throughout the county. In addition to partnerships with public and private schools, ICAN and KidsCAN curriculum was presented at the Sycamore Park Community Center, Bloomfield Multicultural Center, Apple Ridge Assisted Living Center, Headstart, Kidz First Child Care Center, Family Crisis Domestic Abuse Center, Income Support Office, the Celebrate the Child Conference, the Strong Parents for the Future Coalition Teen Parenting Conference, the San Juan County Fair, and multiple other agencies and locations in San Juan County. Based on comparisons from pre surveys and post surveys, it has been determined that participants of these programs have increased their knowledge in food and nutrition related topics such as MyPyramid, USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, food preparation skills, portion and serving sizes, understanding of nutrition facts labels, food safety, food dollar budgeting, use of SNAP benefits etc. Participants have returned to classes stating that they are using the knowledge they gain in class at home and are passing the knowledge on to friends and family members. Organ Wise Guys In the winter of 2011 Organ Wise Guys nutrition education was added to another public school location in San Juan County. Concerned teachers at Bluffview Elementary reached out to the Extension Service for help with the rising obesity problem within their school. The agent and Nutrition Education team worked to bring not only the kIdsCAN program to the school but also the Organ Wise Guys curriculum. The teachers at the school attended a training and planning session implemented by the agent to decide upon a system for implementing the Organ Wise Guys curriculum into their daily classroom activities. Nutrition and health education focusing on choosing healthy foods and physical activity using the Organ Wise Guys and Kellogg materials was then implemented by both the teachers and library staff and has continued into the current school year.