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Impact Report

For plan Youth Development (Eddy County)
Date October 27, 2010, 9:17 pm
For Objective Medium-term Show medium-term objectives
Impact Report 7. Twenty three youth attended Youth Get-Away 4-H Camp held near Torreon, New Mexico. Youth participated in hands on workshops and activities designed to increase life skills related to leadership, social skills, teamwork, sharing, problem solving, and managing feelings. 100% of youth reported an increase in knowledge and skills related to leadership and basic life skills as evidenced by observations and camper evaluations. Eight 4-H members attended a Judging Workshop held in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Youth received hands on training related to livestock judging and meat judging. 100% of youth reported an increase in knowledge about livestock and meat judging. There was also an increase in life skills, such as communication, critical thinking, decision making, self-esteem, and teamwork. Thirteen youth attended a 4-H Council Retreat held in Ruidoso, New Mexico. Youth participated in the “Complaint Free World Training” and planned activities for the 4-H council and 4-H program in Eddy County. The retreat increased belonging and mastery skills, such as team work, self-responsibility, planning, and goal setting. Three 4-H members attended the New Mexico 4-H State Livestock School held in Albuquerque. Youth received hands on training related to showmanship, nutrition, fitting, disease, and management. 100% of youth reported an increase in knowledge about their livestock project. There was also an increase in life skills, such as communication, goal setting, self-responsibility, character, and keeping records. Nine 4-H members attended Showmanship Clinics held during the month of July. Youth received hands on training related to showmanship, nutrition, and fitting. The clinics increased knowledge about showmanship and increased mastery skills, such as goal setting and decision making. Ten 4-H members attended a Project Roundup/Livestock Work Night. Youth received hands on training related to showmanship, fitting, and nutrition. The clinics increased knowledge about livestock showmanship and increased mastery skills, such as decision making, teamwork, and social skills. 8. County Competitive events and contest trainings were conducted to expand life skills and knowledge. Ten junior youth advanced to District level competition. Contest areas included livestock judging, wildlife, wool, crops, horticulture, home economic skill-a-thon, horse bowl, livestock skill-a-thon, parliamentary procedure, and fashion revue. Youth participating in competitive events increased mastery and independence related to teamwork, character and critical thinking as evidenced by teamwork and positive attitudes. Four youth participated in the New Mexico State Fair showcasing their development of life skills through livestock exhibits. Over 50 livestock were exhibited. Youth received recognition and feedback for continued improvement of knowledge and skills. Eddy County 4-H youth showed an increase in knowledge and skills related to livestock as evidenced by quality of animals shown and the amount of ribbons won. Twelve youth participated in the Eastern New Mexico State Fair showcasing their development of life skills through livestock exhibits. Over 60 livestock were exhibited. Youth received recognition and feedback for continued improvement of knowledge and skills. Eddy County 4-H youth showed an increase in knowledge and skills related to livestock as evidenced by quality of animals shown and the amount of ribbons won.