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Impact Report

For plan KA 703. Nutrition Education and Behavior (Chaves County)
Date October 29, 2009, 10:26 pm
For Objective Short-term Show short-term objectives
Impact Report Strong Women Strong Bones The Strong Women Program was first introduced to the home economist in 2007 at an In-service. This research based strength training program for women 50 years or older is to help prevent Osteoporosis by doing weight bearing exercises. It is a 12 week program. In February of this year, the home economist and Jill Dennis, Comfort Keepers, Community Relations Director attended Strong Women Strong Bones training in Las Cruces. Participants were trained on how to implement and conduct the program in their county, along with information on the silent disease, osteoporosis. After returning from the training, the home economist applied for two grants to help start the program. Not wanting to wait on the grant money, a site (Senior Circle) was secured and an information meeting date set. Twenty five participants attended the information meeting and signed up to participate in the Strong Women Strong Bones program. The newspaper ran the release after the information meeting date, and an additional thirty eight women called the Extension office to sign up. To accommodate those on the waiting list, a second site was secured-Roswell Adult Center. A total of 63 participants participated in the program. Each one hour class held two times a week consisted of exercises that focused on building strong bones Through this program, the women increased their strength, muscle mass, and bone density. Women also noted improvements in balance, flexibility, sleep and mood. Ages ranged from 50 being the youngest and 91 being the oldest. One participant commented “that she no longer needs to use the battery operated carts to shop at the store, she now has the strength to walk while shopping.” Another noted that she is sleeping better and by doing the Strong Women program her mental state has changed, she is no longer depressed. Weekly newsletters by Tufts University Strong Women Program were distributed weekly to inform participants about the importance of nutrition and healthy eating. Due to the need, popularity and success of this program, another class was formed during the summer months with 50 participants. On the average, 35 participants were in attendance for the classes. Two Strong Women Strong Bones classes were formed in September and are presently underway. Thirty five women participate at Senior Circle and 25 participate at Roswell Adult Center.