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Impact Report

For plan KA 703. Nutrition Education and Behavior (Lea County)
Date October 8, 2009, 4:33 pm
For Objective Short-term Show short-term objectives
Impact Report Extension Homemaker Programs: Several general nutrition, food preparation and food safety workshops were given throughout Lea County during the last year. The members of the Lea County Extension Homemakers reported: *the members and their families had begun to look for food containing whole grains rather than using multi grain or bleached flours after a program on Whole Grains. *the members had begun to read food labels for the fat content of the foods they normally purchase. Many had begun to choose lower fat foods and replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats in the diets after a program called “The Skinny on Fat” *the members had been adding more “brain power” foods like fish to their weekly menus following a program called “Brain Blitz”. Community Programs: Several nutritional programs were given within Lea County. The results of those programs are as follows: *Fifty percent (50%) of the participants in a Water Bath canning workshop preserved fruits and vegetables from their home garden for their families to enjoy later in the year. *Seventy-five (75%) of the parents at Jefferson Elementary School in Hobbs, New Mexico, learned how to feed their families healthier using basic foods rather than processed foods. Each parent learned how to prepare a healthy snack that their children tired at the end of the presentation. Thirty percent (30%) of the participant like the snack and commented they would make it at home. *Ten percent (10%) of the general public who attended a program on crock pot cooking attempted a new recipe at home for their family. Diabetes Education: As a member of the Lea County Indigent Diabetes Program, nutritional information has been provided to individuals and families regarding diabetes. As a result of these contacts 25% of these individuals have signed up to attend one of the three Kitchen Creations cooking schools held throughout the last year.